Sunday, January 13, 2013

Skype meeting?

Hey y'all I wanted to know if you guys are available for a skype meeting regarding starting one of the games.

I've been thinking about this pretty simple 2D-Platformer where you play a robot.

The main puzzle mechanic is that there are times during the level where you have no control over your robot. So you must give instructions in advance. At first puzzles will be fairly straight-forward; it would involve mostly with traversal of terrain. Then we start to add timing-sensitive jumps/moving platforms and "virus-infected areas" that flip commands in fixed ways (left becomes right, vice versa)

Narrative-wise I was thinking it is a robot that start to develop free will as the game goes on and it refuses to listen to your tests. I'm thinking the last boss fight is you fighting to maintain control over your robot.


  1. Interesting idea Sam, would this be a separate game from the Jack the ripper one?
    Or are we scrapping the old idea and going with this one.

    In regards to a skype meeting, I'm down for it. Might be a bit difficult since I'm in Japan with the timezone difference. Anyways, I would be available for a skype meeting anytime from Friday - Sunday of this week.

    I'm mostly on steam so you can hit me there.
    My skype name is:radicaldreamer83

    1. Yea this would be a separate idea from it. Not sure how complicated it will be programming-wise. So I wanted to talk about it to determine scope of the game.

    2. Alright I'm down for it. I'll be on skype late at night/early morning (for you guys back in the states). Just add me and hit me up.

  2. From a programming standpoint I think its do-able not that I'm an experienced game programmer, but I could kinda see how to structure it. I think the initial instructions the player gives could be written to an array of objects that perhaps each contain a command and a time stamp. All we would have to do is go through the array in order and execute each command at the given time and basically keep track of the game state with each command, or something like that.

    Like Johnny I'm mostly on steam you can add me if you want both my steam and skype username is "quandom90"
