Saturday, January 19, 2013

Good Taste

Hey I know everyone has seen this but I wanted to make a post so people didn't think I was dead. I've been busy moving into a new apartment & working. Yes I'm still in the process of moving into my new apartment. I have internet as of today. Anyways, Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling is pretty universal and I think nearly everything it says applies to games.

Here's something else I really liked. If anyone listens to NPR & This American Life it's a quote from Ira Glass. Here's a typography video that's a 2-minute long clip of something he's said that I really liked. It exemplifies a lot of this that we're doing.

The sentiment that you guys have of making something, anything, just so we are actually getting stuff done is reflected here but I liked the reasoning Ira Glass gives. All of us who get into Creative Work get into it because we have good taste. And because we have good taste we know the things we make are...disappointing. Our talent doesn't yet match our taste. I found this inspirational somehow, because I'd like to think I have good taste. I know a lot if not all the people on this blog have good taste. I hope we can get to a point where our talents can stand up to our good taste.


  1. relative.

  2. Yeah I picked all that up from that site Zenpencils. His art is nice, but I question his interpretation of poems at times.
