Monday, November 12, 2012

Discussion Week 3: Nuign Specter

Sorry for the delay. This week was an extra busy weekend for some reason.

This week we'll play Nuign Specter and discuss it.

Also, you should check out Hotline Miami if you haven't already. I'm broke atm so I ended up pirating but I'll buy it once I have money. This game is easily one of the best games made in recent times.

And here's the link to Nuign Specter


  1. Alright so I got around to playing this game and here are my thoughts.

    It was a pretty unusual game. You are plunged right in the story without much information.

    Very simplistic. It looked very messy and distorted, but in a good way. I felt that the environment and atmosphere was supported with this art style.

    You control a wolf(?)-like being that is going around to get an item for a specter that has taken over your house(?). You can shoot and pick up and put down items. Very straight-forward.

    Not much was explained, but it is simply a wolf trying to get rid of a specter that is living in his house.

    I thought the atmosphere for nuign specter was great. The eerie music and crooked/messy art direction really made the game feel genuinely creepy. There was something about the intruders(?) and specters that made the game scary for me. I was not even sure what the purple thing was in the beginning of the game. I then found out later that that was a dead body of one of the intruders. Also, the random enemies popping out made my heart skip a beat.

    I thought the shotgun sound was too loud. When I fire my shotgun in the beginning. I literally jumped from my seat due to the loudness of it. I also felt that the game was too simplistic. Maybe there should be multiple endings based on how you would get the specter out of your house.

    Overall, I really liked this game. Nuign Specter definitely felt creepy for such a low budget game. Maybe the creator could provide some insight to those random enemies and ghosts in the game.

  2. I think this game was one of those "The Passage" clones with very simplistic gameplay but I think the art style and the controls (or lack of) lend itself pretty well to the overall theme. I think it worked as a whole but it felt a bit too experiment-y for me.
